I’m always amazed at what paying just a little attention to the world around you will reveal. Even in a world as mysterious as speaking, you can learn a lot from reading. So I took a break from writing this month to just cull the source of all knowledge – the...
One of the traps I see speakers fall into all the time is using generic words in their talks. You were made to live your dreams… We all face problems… Speakers need to handle the issues they will see on stage… I learned a lot from that experience… Your team is made up...
North Carolina drivers: This is your warning. No, not Click-it-or-ticket (which is a great campaign and a good idea). It’s the notification that I am the parent of a teenage driver loose on the roads. My son has looked forward to this moment for years, and I picked...
What do you do when you’re speaking and you make a mistake or there is an unexpected issue while you’re on stage? Fix it, Feature it, or Forget it. Enjoy this quick infographic checklist and read more from our Blog on How to handle blunders and mistakes...
Oops. What now? Anyone who has ever been on stage has had the fear of making a mistake. And most of us have actually made mistakes. Put our foot in our mouth. Misspoken. Said the wrong thing. It’s part of being human. But few have erred in as high stakes a...
Like most modern kids, mine are addicted… to their glow-in-the-dark devices that connect them to the outside world. It’s almost as if they have to be using a device to do anything. Every fact is checked on the internet. Every friend is confirmed through a...