On September 26th, America endured the first U.S. Presidential debate. There are many Public Speaking tips from the Trump and Clinton debate you can learn and apply to your own speaking. Don’t expect me to weigh in on fact checkers or who won or who leads or who is...
In our July newsletter we shared a tip about speech introductions, and it’s a question I get a lot: “How should I introduce myself?” If I hear another speaker open with “Well, let me tell you a little about myself…”, I may scream. ...
I recently attended the baseball Hall of Fame (HOF) Induction Ceremony in Cooperstown, NY. It was a once-in-a-lifetime event to hear the speeches of the inductees, even if I did have to pay $20 to park in some random farmer’s field and still had to walk to the...
When I worked in the corporate world, you were supposed to give a trip report when you returned from a conference or client travel. This was an opportunity to share learned information with the home office, and also provided some nice accountability to participate...
The Importance of Facial Expressions in Public Speaking When we ask participants in our workshop what characteristics define a boring or bad speaker, the list usually hasn’t grown to three before some variant of “monotone” or “expressionless” is mentioned. Every...
How to Handle a Bad Review After Your Speech or Presentation “How do I handle a bad review after my speech or presentation?” is a question I often get. As a trainer/speaker, I receive thousands of reviews. The questions vary, but the purpose is usually the...