
Lots of speakers provide handouts.  It’s a good idea.  It gives the listener a take-away and future reminder of the content — at a minimum they’re faced with the decision of whether to throw the handout away or not.  That is more follow-up than a...

Finding those problems

Here’s a tip I (re)discovered this week.  First, I’m a HUGE fan of video as an unbiased observer to help us get better as speakers.  It’s the only true way for us to see ourselves as the audience sees us.  So the (repeated) tip: use video early and...

Phrase of the week

Probably heard it 40 times this week (and maybe every week, but it’s been really prevalent in at least three settings this week, and unfortunately, I heard myself use it once this morning): “I want to say…” and it’s corollary, “I...

Say what you mean…

and, mean what you say. My friend Jeff blogs about a pet peeve we share — folks who cannot follow through on what they say, especially with respect to time. Mankind’s most precious asset is time — don’t abuse or presume on it!Corollaries...

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