Being pushed

My 5-year-old son watched his cousin play in a basketball game.  She was the largest and most athletic girl on the court, scored 22 of her team’s 26, and led them to an emphatic victory.  His comments revealed the impression it made on him, especially in light...

Make it easy to participate

In church this past week, we were leading up to the GATE (Great American Tryptophan Extravaganza, sometimes called Thanksgiving) and singing songs that were a) appropriate to the theme, and b) known to most of the audience.  The second option is a trick these days, as...

Inane Acronyms

I love acronyms. They allow shorter typing and talking. I like to make them up (my favorite all-time is my acronym BCS = Big Computer in the Sky, which has nothing to do with college football and can be used to describe any application where data goes into the ether)....

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