Following up yesterday’s post about how to manage time in a speech/class/workshop, I was reminded of another tactic that has bad results.Multi-day classes are one of the greatest opportunities to manage time well. The speaker gets a rest midway through and a...
I watched a colleague give a (useful) seminar at a lunch-n-learn. She’s an experienced practitioner from an academic setting who is absolutely an expert in the field. Most of the audience were solo-preneurs who were spending their own time (and a little bit of...
I’ve run into a couple of situations with sales folks recently that remind me that common sense does not reign supreme in the sales world.First, someone I barely know called and acted interested in the products I provide. He had read enough about me (web...
***updated February 2020*** I overheard a presenter using PowerPoint recently say: “On this next slide, there’s a lot of information and it’s sort of complicated, so I’m not going to spend a lot of time on it.” He was in complete command...
My good buddy Jeff blogged about and I commented on Um and Uhs the other day. Low and behold, the question comes up in class today:”Alan, I see the value in eliminating non-words, and I see how to do it. But if I let one or a few slip, wouldn’t that...
Watched a presenter last week open (first slide and everything) with “Well, let’s tell you what this seminar is NOT about” and proceeded to go through a pretty comprehensive list of what he would NOT cover. We all have things we don’t...