by Alan | Nov 7, 2006 | Communication skills, Content, Customer Service, Delivery, Efficiency, public speaking
I’ve witnessed a lot of seminars/presentations/classes/shows lately. Suffice it to say I have plenty of material for coming weeks.Watched an instructor roll out a course. He was capable, competent, credible, and well spoken. But the materials were marginal at...
by Alan | Oct 28, 2006 | Communication skills, Delivery, Efficiency, public speaking
Sometimes, until we see someone else do something, we presume it must be done a certain way. Our assumptions are often wrong. My laptop’s power cord has always been a pain to deal with. In addition to the inevitable “Low Battery. Switch to AC power...
by Alan | Oct 4, 2006 | Communication skills, Flying, public speaking
I was speaking the other night in the first public viewing of a 3-night run. Wanting to get it right the very first time, I’d done private practice and invited some speaking friends to view a trial run. I was still polishing (always am), but had the basics...
by Alan | Oct 3, 2006 | Communication skills, Content, Customer Service, Efficiency
One of the challenges of speakers trying to interact with their audience is giving clear directions. I was a participant in a class a few weeks back where we were supposed to put our names on the little name tents. The speaker/trainer had some specific way to do...
by Alan | Sep 24, 2006 | Communication skills, Delivery, Leadership, Parenting, public speaking
Spent the weekend looking through a viewfinder as the videographer at a friend’s daughter’s wedding. One of the tips I got long ago about videography is to put the camera on the level you want things to be seen at. For kids, especially, this means...
by Alan | Sep 17, 2006 | Communication skills, Efficiency, public speaking
In addition to providing the content your audience needs, it’s important to give them the physical things they need as well. If you expect people to take notes, have pencils/pens on hand, with paper or notepads. If you expect them to look at a web site or...