by Alan | Jun 6, 2007 | Efficiency, Leadership, public speaking
I heard this quote (no attribution) the other week:”We spend far too much time on our jobs, and far too little on ourselves.”I spent a little time improving myself this week at the ASTD ICE conference. It was quite amazing, and I come back with gobs of...
by Alan | May 31, 2007 | Communication skills, Delivery, Leadership, Parenting, public speaking
Working with The Boy’s Tee Ball team tonight. We’ve really been working on his throwing. Hold the ball high. Step — throw — follow through. Sometimes he does; sometimes he doesn’t. Tonight for the first time, we seemed to have a...
by Alan | May 27, 2007 | Communication skills, Content, Don't!, Parenting
Been a long time. I’ll get back to it. Promise.Did have the thrill of attending Edward Tufte’s last week. I’ll have more about the seminar later, but I snapped this picture in the lobby. I was left wondering what message I should take away from...
by Alan | Mar 20, 2007 | Content, Efficiency
Sitting in a hotel reading the instructions for “complimentary high-speed wireless internet service”.Seven steps, easy enough. Then there’s another step listed after an asterisk (even though there is no asterisk anywhere else on the page). The step...
by Alan | Feb 26, 2007 | Content, Efficiency
After some sickness putting us out of commission a bit, we’re back in business. Sickness makes the well times seem so much more weller.Had a faithful reader give this tip, and I can’t believe I didn’t know it or discover it before. You should know by...
by Alan | Feb 7, 2007 | Communication skills, Delivery, Flying, public speaking
Saw the importance first-hand last night of connecting with the audience via eye contact and any other way possible. Presenting to an aviation crowd in a hotel ballroom. 202 chairs set up — brought in another 25 as we reached capacity. Final tally was 291 and...