by Alan | Nov 10, 2005 | Business, Communication skills, Flying, Leadership
In aviation, an instrument in the plane (the altimeter) measures the absolute pressure wherever the plane happens to be. But without a reference point — the sea level pressure — the instrument would report an arbitrary altitude. Without this, Air Traffic...
by Alan | Nov 4, 2005 | Business, Communication skills, Delivery, Don't!, Leadership, Parenting
Since I just blogged an example using F-words, I thought I better clarify — quickly — what I meant in my previous entry.I’m continuously amazed at the amount of foul language that emanates from keynote speakers, managers, public emails, CEOs, and...
by Alan | Oct 30, 2005 | Communication skills, Delivery, Don't!, Parenting
Had a moment of inconsolable crisis tonite. Our kids got helium baloons at lunch today, and despite repeated warnings, our daughter let hers go upon coming home and it rose out of reach to our cathedral ceiling in the living room. For the next ten minutes, we heard...
by Alan | Oct 29, 2005 | Communication skills, Flying
I’m a pilot and love aviation and just about everything about it (except the cost). Today I finally got to go up on a pristine clean day after a long hiatus. Took The Boy and let him have some stick time (as far as he knows) for the first time in his life. Great...
by Alan | Oct 25, 2005 | Communication skills, Parenting, Sales
Baby sister found some new flip flops (summer sale item) in the closet. HAD to have them. Now. Parents relented, saying these were new flip flops for next summer and the pool. Sister parades around the house all night in them (pink, orange, green!) and was distraught...
by Alan | Oct 18, 2005 | Communication skills, Parenting
Took in the 2005 N.C. State Fair today. Everything I abhor (except the food) all in one place. It’s an amazing place to watch people, waste a lot of money, make a 4-year-old boy very happy, and get exhausted all in a very short amount of time.Carny’s are...