by Alan | Apr 5, 2006 | Book Reviews, Communication skills, Delivery, PowerPoint
Had a speaker I was working with the other day express shock that I recommended removal of an agenda slide from their PowerPoint. “Shouldn’t I tell them what I’m going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what I told them?” That is one...
by Alan | Mar 15, 2006 | Communication skills, Delivery, Parenting
Worked with several presenters in the last few days. In most every case we are making great progress getting them into a unique approach that will capture their audience’s attention and being true to their message, their personality, and their comfort. But in...
by Alan | Jan 28, 2006 | Communication skills, Flying, Leadership
Went flying this morning (gorgeous day for it — pressure of 30.50 is probably the highest I’ve ever flown in). Had an unprecedented delay out of my local Class C airport. There were 10 planes in queue just to taxi, several at the end of both runways, and...
by Alan | Dec 19, 2005 | Communication skills, Delivery, Parenting
At a “mandatory” meeting the other day. On the way to the meeting, I remarked to my travelling companion that I didn’t think we’d start on time, attendance would be light, and the message predictable. The message predictability was the least...
by Alan | Dec 7, 2005 | Communication skills, Flying
Went flying today. As I was transferred to the departure controller, he sounded confused, hesitated, and greeted me with “Skylane… Skyhawk… Cessna 12345”. I gently gave him the correct type — Cardinal– on my reply and he came back...
by Alan | Nov 21, 2005 | Communication skills, Delivery, Parenting
Was commenting that there are things you don’t have to teach kids. First, you don’t have to teach little boys how to make car sounds. “Vrrrooom! Screeeech!” Then I note you don’t have to teach little girls how to mother — my...