Twice in recent days I’ve had the “opportunity” to contact Customer Support at some large service vendors. You’d think with a name like Customer Support I would get supported, but from my experience, the only thing being supported are the...
I found a free webinar that interested me. An expert in an area I’m weak would give me all the tips and tricks to save time and produce the product I want to make. The program allowed me to link to the recording later, and I’m just getting around to...
I did something tonight I haven’t done in probably over a decade. I watched an entire State of the Union address live. Given that, I’d have to say it’s the best I’ve seen in quite a while :-). Here are some of my thoughts analyzing the...
I called a potential client the other day, expecting to get a direct answer (or voicemail) from my contact — after all, it was a small business that I didn’t expect to have an answering service. Instead, I got the “front desk”. The voice was...
One of the really cool things about the coaching and teaching I do is the interaction with clients and the exposure to their ideas and expertise. While I guide them to put some pizzazz in their message and refine their delivery to represent them well, I get to learn...
I just heard it from a presentation leaking out the door across the hall from me. It’s a common thread of mediocrity. People open with a weak plea for the audience’s attention, giving doubt that they really believe in their message. It has a thousand...