I went through the drive through at Regal Burger tonight. I was the only one in line, took my time making my order, and was cheerful to the window 1 clerk and proceeded to window 2. Got my milkshake handed to me in record time and was asked, “Would...
I am helping a former student/client with a job interview. The company is a well-known, high-profile consulting firm (whose name is an anagram for toileted?!) This is a creme-de-la-creme position and why I’ve been called to help hone her interview...
I’ve run into a couple of situations with sales folks recently that remind me that common sense does not reign supreme in the sales world.First, someone I barely know called and acted interested in the products I provide. He had read enough about me (web...
I watched the very cute movie “Charlotte’s Web” last night with the family. I was awed by the technical aspects of the film combining live animals, puppets (there’s probably a better term), and virtually generated animals. But two...
While I was planning for a keynote I gave this past week, I made a quiz about product brands and catchy phrases. Here are some of them — see if you can name who they stand for:Snap! Crackle! Pop!We do chicken rightQuality is Job OneDon’t leave home...
Even if you are politically opposed to Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, you cannot deny that he has burst on the national political scene. It is rare that we get an audience as focused as he enjoyed last night — ‘normal’ Senators share the election...