by Alan | Nov 4, 2007 | Communication skills, Content, Customer Service
Keeping with our Sunday night tradition, we went through the drive-through of a well-known fast food restaurant that shall remain nameless, but it’s image is led by a red-haired girl named Wendy. We order the same thing every week. We’re fairly habitual...
by Alan | Oct 5, 2007 | Communication skills, Customer Service, Leadership
Was privy to attend a product “party demo” (for lack of a formal event name) where the powers that be catered some grub to show the development crowd how their hard work had paid off. To show them just how great things were, they planned a product demo by...
by Alan | Sep 26, 2007 | Content, Customer Service, Don't!, Flying, Leadership
Traveling a few weeks back and found a number of customer service stories from the line of work that seems absolutely determined to provide bad service — the airlines.After missing one flight (due to no fault of my own — in fact, I ran through the airport...
by Alan | Aug 29, 2007 | Communication skills, Customer Service, Leadership
Many moons ago we discussed why individual introductions in a group setting don’t work. I still stand by that. But I watched a proper way to handle them when they are done the other day. Ms. Big Wig could have sat by and said, “Uh, huh. I see. Nice. ...
by Alan | Jul 25, 2007 | Customer Service, Don't!, Leadership
Another brilliant customer service story. My cell phone provider (who shall remain unnamed, but whose name means to run really fast) evidently called me this evening. Toll free number calling, man with thick accent identifies himself and gives the greeting and who he...
by Alan | Jul 8, 2007 | Communication skills, Customer Service, public speaking
First-person customer service nightmare, courtesy of Time-Warner Cable, who houses the hardware that Earthlink sells me cable service over.My broadband fritzed for no apparent reason. I recycled everything on my end to no avail. I call TWC, skipping Earthlink...